The Yellowstone region is the magical center of the universe. I first intuitively realized this when I was six years old on the first of many family summer vacations to the park. Every time I go back, when I get close to the park it hits me, and I can physically feel why the place is so special.
It became sort of a standing joke when I was growing up to ask Chris where our family should go on vacation. The answer was always "Yellowstone". I got my way more often than not too.
I was lucky enough to live and work in the park three summers and two winters. I worked housekeeping for TW/Amfac. I took hundreds of pictures during those three years. You can see a few of them. Or you can read about a few of the more interesting things that happened when I was there. I found a few special secret places, but hey, if I told you and the rest of the world about them then they wouldn't be so special and secret anymore would they?
Will I get back to Yellowstone? Probably. If I win the lottery I want a secluded little house (with a greenhouse for the orchids and such) along US191 in the Gallatin River Canyon. Otherwise I might end up doing at least another year or two working for the slave drivers at Amfac. Then maybe some time back in school for something more practical than a masters in biology. Something where I can get a real job with a real paycheck, live in Bozeman again, or maybe even closer. Then guess where I will be most weekends.
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